Jonathan Williams, Jr. to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Nantes 28 Augt. 1781.
My dear Billy.

I have just received your Favour of the 24 Inst. I do not regret the regularity of your Bill Book notwithstanding I sometimes receive the X. Those you last returned I expect has had some foul play, as the person who endorsed them to me I do not believe capable of sending Bills twice over. I shall be glad to see Mr Young here & will do all I can for him.—I have examined all over my Counting House for the Invoice of the Utensils without success, it is the only paper of the kind that is mislaid, I will find it if possible & send it to you. I observe that the Cloathing & arms for the Army is to be furnished by Government so expect no part of it. I am not the less obliged to the Doctor for his Friendship & good Opinion of my Services.—Robeson has no money in my hands.—

In answer to your postscript of the 25th. I caused 50 Guineas to be paid at different Times to Mrs Johnson soon after the Barbadoes Calamity supposing her Resources to be cut off by the misfortunes of that part of her Family. I heard of her being burnt out the Port after it happened & I immediately extended my Orders in her Favour to 50 Guineas more, to be paid, not all at once, but occasionaly & in proportion to her Wants; so I suppose Mrs Fulford must suppose rather than assert that she has not a second shift to her Back. In doing this I sought only the satisfaction of mind arising from doing a good action & therefore kept my name a secret, and had you not mentioned her situation as so bad, Her Benefactor would always have remained incog. I have constant information from England relative to her & shall take Care that she does not suffer, but I do not want to be known in this Matter.—

I shall forward [torn] as you desire. I am ever my dear Billy most affy Yours

J Williams J

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur W T. Franklin / chèz Mr. Franklin, ministre / Plenipotentiaire des E unis [amerique] / en son hotel / à Passy / Près Paris
Notation: J. Williams. Augt. 28. 1781
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