From Rachal Robinson (unpublished)
Philaa October th 25 1785
Honnor’d Sir

After taking the Liberty to congratulate you on your safe arrivel to the american Shore, I venture to adress you on a subject which I believe you must have some knowledge of.

Know Sir that I am the widow of the late James Robinson who once had the honnor of your being his passenger to England. The affair I would wish to have some Information of is this my husband being in the Continental servis he took a schooner Bound from providence to new york. They were meat by some of the french fleet as he was going into Charleston. The french, notwithstanding my husbands assersions to the Truth Took the vessel and cargo from him, on my husbands arrivel at Charleston, he made application to Mr. Livingston who was at that time the american agent their. The governor oppossed any measures being taken against the french Commandor Mr. Diryman and would not alow him to be arrested. Mr. Livingstone after geting the necessary papers authenticated refer’d it To Congress, who aproveing of Mr. Livingstons proceedings sign’d it, together with the french ambassador and they were sent to France. Your honnor was agent there.

My request to you Sir is to know if you receive’d or heard any thing relative to this afair. If I might be premited to wait on you at any Leasure hour, I should esteem my self happy to obtain any Information concerning it. I beg leave to Subscribe my self, your honnors most obedient and most humble Servant

Rachal Robinson

The Honnorable Benjamin Franklin
Addressed: The Honnorable Benjamin Franklin
Endorsed: Rachel Robinson 85
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