William Casey to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Paris 3 Septr. 1782
Mr. W. T. Franklin Passy

Miss Richards whose family are at Nantes, obtained a Permit from his excellency about two Months since, to go to England, she has just returned here, while in England she bought some Cloaths for her own ware say 4 jupes in basin piquée , as they were new Monsieur Valiant receveur de la Douane, a Calais, thought proper to stop them, at the same time assured her if she could get you to write him a single line in her behalf, he would deliver them immediately, by doing which you will greatly oblige her, & ever confer the greatest obligation on Sir Your most Obt. Servant

Wm. Casey

ps. if you favour Miss Richards with a line to Mr. Valiant Please to forward it by the bearer—


Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin fils / à / Passy
Notation: W. Casey, Paris 3. Sept. 1782.
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