Table of Revised Postal Rates
Draft: American Philosophical Society

Table of the Distances of Places, and Rates of Postage in North America, showing the Changes propos’d to be made by the New Act.

Statute Postage by the Postage propos'd
Places Miles present Act by the New Act Difference
From New York to Perth Amboy 30 6 4 abated 2d. which is
to Bridlington 80 6 6 No Change
to New London 150 9 8 abated 1d. which is
to Philadelphia 96 9 6 abated 3d.
to Newport 196 12 8 abated 4d.
to Boston 270 12 10 abated 2d.
to Portsmouth 330 12 12 No Change
to Annapolis 240 12 10 abated 2d.
to Salem 290 15 10 abated 5d.
to Ipswich 300 15 10 abated 5d.
to Piscataqua 330 15 12 abated 3d.
to Williamsburgh 411 15 14 abated 1d.
to Charlestown 856 18 22 added 4d.

Note; That Portsmouth is at Piscataqua and the chief Office there and it was an Error in the old Act to give them different Postages; and a lower Postage from New York to Portsmouth, than to Salem and Ipswich, which are nearer the one by 40 and the other by 30 Miles.

See Douglas 1:6 1:10
Endorsed: Post Office Changes of Rates
[Also on this page:] of the Kindness I met with in that Country and the happy Hours I spent in their Conversation.
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