Thomas Mullowney to John Paul Jones (unpublished)
Ancenes Decembr. 25th. 1779

As Being your Poore Prisoner and servant I make Bold to acquaint you With a part of my Soferings since the Eving of the 24th. of August you Orderd me Abord the Cutter Surf to go in quest of your Boates Which i did Willingly taking Nothing With me But What Was On my Back We Got in sight of one of the Boates and Would Actuly taken her Ware They Not towed By a boate from the Isleand Dureing my time Abord the Cutter I had Not the Laist Shifting But One short and Pair of stockings them Ware from the second Captn. Captn. D   Was Very kind Whist at sea, As istead     for him and Which he Cant Deny after Ariveing at    sent Me to the Cartel Prison Nantes Whare i remaind 20 Days he Never Came or sent Me the Laist assistance Which I wrote wou’d Acquaint your honour of. As it Was truly to oblige you I went Unbord him I hope your honour Will order me somthing to help Me in my Distress as I never Wonted more in my Life should my Book        or serteficates From Loge N. 5 be saveed I hope Your honour send Them to Mr. David Gallwey of Nants as to my Close I give Over as your own ship sunk After Taking the Serapis so i lave Your honour To think What I underwent hopeing from Your Frendship Abord Your ship You Will Relieve. Should your honour take me in to Consideration Which A gentelman of Compation may i hope You Will Pleas to order it to Messr. Andrew and David Gallway Merchants Nantes or Mr. Batis Tunel of Ancenis. As it is he that Acts for Mr. Schweighauser. Your ageant in Nantes hopeing Your honour Wont take it amiss Requesting an anser Directed to Ether of the Above Mentiond Gentelmen Which I wate Impatient for Wishing You All the hapiness that Can Attend A gentelman And Remain Your Most humbel And most Obedient Servant

Thoms. Mullowney

The May Flower safe arivd and sold at Loryong And Captn. Day from Newfound Land The Prisoners Past by a few Days ago of Well my mate Captn. John Pall Jones
Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franchi ambassadeur Des etats unis / De L’amerique, Chez Monsieur Le Ray De / Chaumont à paris pour faire tenir sil Lui plait au / Capitaine paul josne / À Paris
Endorsed: T. Mallowny Dec 25. 79
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