From Francis Coffyn (unpublished)
Dunkerque 11th. April 1783.
Honored Sir.

Since the letter I had the honnor to write your Excellency on the 9th. ultmo. a great number of American prisonners arrived here from England, for whom I procured their passage on board of sundry vessells bound to different parts in America. Those mentioned in the enclosed receipts which were in great distress and destitute of every thing, I have assisted with a little money for their Subsistance during their Stay here and to buy the necessairies for their passage.

£24Paid George Robinson
"32Dº John Parres.
"112Dº Saml. Solomon Matw. Lower
and Laurens Berry
"32 10s.Dº Jonathan Forter.
"37 10s.Dº Olever Arnold.
"42Dº John Green
"25Dº Willm. Taylor.
"40 10s.Dº. John Swan.
"40 10s.Dº. Joseph Bellony.
"33 6s.Dº. Francis Ware.
"31 10s.Dº. Joseph Davin
"36Dº. Richd. Lambert.
The places of their abode
and the ships they was taken
in are mentioned at the back
of their respective receipts.
"34 2s.Dº. to the Penitent nuns for board at their Hospital and funeral
 Expences of John Hetlett, who died of the Small Pox.
£520 18s.Together, which I have charged to your Excellency’s Account.

This Sum added to £277 10s. and £96 —. mentioned in my letter of 19th. Febry and 9th. march, make together £894 8s. which I have taken the liberty to draw on Your Excellency payable 10 days after date, to the order of Messrs. Vandenyver Freres &Cie and request your Excellency will be pleased to honnor my draft.

Since the happy conclusion of the Peace, five vessells have been dispatch’d from this place to the ports of North America, and three more are now put up for Philadelphia. I hope my recommendation to the owners of these vessells in favour of the House of Messr. Bache & Shee of said place, (which your Excellency recommended to me in 1779,) will make these Gentlemen reep the first frutes of the peace and that the assortment of the Cargos will convince the Subjects of the united States of the advantages the port of Dunkerque offers to the American Trade: Your Excellency may rely on my constant exertion to promote the interest of said House and I hope my endeavours will not be fruitless.

One Capn. Coreil who has some time resided at Philadelphia and other parts of America during the war, has bought a brig here burthen 150 Tons and is desirous of dispatching this vessell for said place under the name of General Washington and under the colours of the united States of America. He intends to sail in about three weeks for said destination, but as he can not proceed without a passport from Your Excellency, he desired me to request your Excellency to grant him one; if his demand can be comply’d with, I humbly beg your Excellency will be pleased to send me Such a passport. The Crew of this ship will be composed of Americain Seamen, except the mute who was born in France. I hope Your Excellency will be pleased to favour me with an answer in order that the vessell may not be detained. I have the honnor to remain very respectfully Your Excellency’s most obedient and most Humble Servant

F. Coffyn

S. E. M. B. Franklin a Passi.
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