This Day nine States being represented Viz. Massachusets, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, together with One Member from New Hampshire and One Member from New Jersey—The Treaty of Peace was ratified by the unanimous vote of the Members. This being done, Congress by an unanimous vote, ordered a Proclamation to be issued, enjoining the strict and faithful Observance thereof, and published an earnest Recommendation to the several States in the very words of the fifth Article. They have likewise resolved that the ratification of the Treaty of Peace shall be sent by a proper person to our Commissioners at Paris to be exchanged, and have appointed Colonel Josiah Harmar to that service, he will have the honor of delivering to you the ratification together with copies of the Proclamation of Congress and of their Recommendation to the States conformally to the 5th Article.
I take the liberty of recommending Colonel Harmar as a brave and deserving Officer and am with the highest respect and esteem Gentlemen Your Most Obedient and humble Servant