To — Stadel (unpublished)
Passy, Oct. 20. 1779

I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me enclosing a Project of raising a Regiment for the Service of the united States, of which you desire my Sentiment. The Congress I believe have never had any Intention of raising Troops in Europe and transporting them to America: the Expence would be too great for them, and the Difficulty extreme as the English Command their Seas, and would often intercept their transports. And having myself no Orders, relative to such an Object that might authorise me to encourage the project, I cannot give the least Expectation that it would be accepted. We are nevertless oblig’d to the Officer for his friendship in making the proposition, and I request that my thanks, in behalf of my country may be presented to him. I have the honour to be Sir &c.

Mr. Stadell.
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