William Robeson to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Paris 1 June 1780

Inclos’d is the letter, I yesterday mentioned my having a long time by me, which the date will manifest, I long Ere this, Exspected to have had the pleasure, of delivering it, in person.

I Exspected to have parted this morning—but a very unexspected Circumstance has prevented it, my having a little Negro Boy, formerly the property of Mr. Amiel who last Night thought proper to step a one side—most likely he may stray toward Passy, its having been the place of his former Master Residence, shoud this be the Case—I shall Esteem it a Singular favour indeed, that you woud be pleased to direct some person to secure him who shall be properly Rewarded for this trouble, the Boys Name is (Möntacue) your goodness, will I trust Excuse me, in the liberty I take with Mr. Franklin upon this Occasion, but the favour shall most truly be acknowledge’d by Sir Your most obt & Very Hum, &c Servt

Wm Robeson

Addressed: William Franklin Esqr / Passy
Notation: W. Robson Paris. 1. Juin 1780.
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