I have this moment recved a letter from Madame Defrere who informs me that you Said that if I was an Honest Man that I would Send you a good bill of Exchange. I can do No More than what I have done with Madame frere wich is to Give you the Same bills in Payment wich Certainly will be Paid—
Madame frere informs me allso that She has the bill in her hands that I gave you in Payment—belive me Sir Notwith Standing the misfortunes I have Met with in this Country I Never have deviated from the Princibles of Honour if you trace my Conduct you will find the Same as I Shall leave this Country in a Short time Should be Very happe to See you before my Departure. The bill I will give you you may be Sure will be Paid, if you Posably could make it [Convenient] to Call tomorrow Should be Very hapy and you Will Confer an obligation upon your Most Obedient and Very Humble Servant