William Alexander to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Hotel de York rue Jacob 9 Juin 1780

Mr Alexanders respects to Mr Franklin & is sorry he had the trouble of sending his packets yesterday when there was no body to receive Them—They might have been Safely left wt the Land Lord—He finds the Diligence goes only this evening & he has secured a seat—He begs he will deliver His dispatches to the Bearer—& not forget the pass or ostensible letter from His Excellency—any Comns Either of Them have an Inch short of High treason He will execute Carefully & speedily as He hopes to back in a fortnight or at furthest within three weeks—spare Him not—

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin fils / a Passy
Notation: M. Alexander Paris 9 Juin 1780.
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