From Thomas Digges
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Novr. 13. 1780
Dr Sir

The Bearer of this, Capn. Benjamin Joy, waits upon Your Excellency on a matter of Business which will be explaind by Himself to You. He is so well recommended and His attatchment & active services for the cause of His Country are so well known to me, that I cannot but back His solicitation to Your Excellency with my strongest wishes that You gratify Him.

His Business is on a similar nature with that I wishd Your Excellency to grant a Friend I recommended in a letter the 26th Septr; and I am the more anxious for its completion, because the adventure is meant for the State of Virginia now very much in want of Blue & Colourd army Cloths, Blanketts, Coarse Woolens, Tent Linin, Sail-Duck &ca. &ca, which Captain Joy has been recommended to carry out at every risque by some of the distinguishd leaders of the People in that Quarter; particulary James Barron Esqr of the Board of War, Duncan Rose Esqr of the board of Trade and General Weeden.

For the accomplishment of His purpose, Captain Joy means to vest His property & effects in Europe in such articles as are specifyd above and to Conduct them to Virginia, on board His vessell the Brigantine Swallow of about 150 Tons Burthen, mannd with fourteen or fifteen Seamen & carrying Six Carrigge Guns four pounders—a Copper sheathd vessel of the Bermudean mould having a square tuck &ca.

If such vessel and Her intended Contents can be protected by Your Passport from any stoppage by the Cruisers of America or Her Allies, I am very sure the scheme will turn out of great publick benefit to my Country.

I am very Respectfully Dr Sir Yr Obligd & Obt Servt.

T. Digges

His Excelly B. Franklin Esqr
Addressed: His Excellency / Benjn. Franklin Esqr / Passy
Notation: Novr. 13. 1780.
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