The American Commissioners to Commanders of American Armed Vessels
Two copies: National Archives
Paris Novr. 21st: 1777.

Complaint having been made of Violences done by American armed Vessels, to neutral Nations, in seizing Ships belonging to their Subjects, and under their Colours; and in making Captures of those of the Enemy, but under the protection of neutral Coasts, contrary to the usage and custom of Nations; This is therefore to warn and request you not to commit any such Violation of the Laws of Nations; but (according to the powers express’d in your Commission) to confine yourselves to the capture of the Enemys Vessels when not within the protection of a neutral River, Fort or Coast, and of all others whatsoever that shall be carrying Soldiers, Arms, Ammunition, Provisions, or other contraband Goods, to any of the British Armies, or Ships employed against the united States. In every other Case you will respect the rights of neutrality, from which you expect Protection, and treat all neutral Ships, with the utmost kindness and Friendship, for the honour of your Country and of yourselves. We are, Gentlemen, Your &c.

To the Captains or Commanders of all Ships of War, armed Vessels and Privateers from the United States of North America.
Notation: Commiss to the Captains of Privateers inclosed in Novr. 30 1777 Commissioner’s Letter
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