From John Green
als: American Philosophical Society
Nantes Novembr. 18th. 1779

Yeasterday I hard of the Captn of the Alliance was suspended and that the Alliance would be without a Commander I begg Leave to offer my servis To Your Excellancy. I had obtaind a Leave of absence When in Philada. from the Honrbe The Marrien Commity To Make one Voyage in the Mercht. Servise and afterwards Return to that Board, I was taken on my way here and Carry’d into Falmouth in England Where I maid my escape and Came to this Cuntry. Mr J. Ross has appointed me to the Command of a New Brigg Built here Mounting fourteen Guns Bound for Ammerica I can obtain a Commander for her in my Room if your Excellency Thinks propper, & I shall have the pleasure of Serving my Cuntry More to My Likeing in the Line I have Long Wish’d to be In; I am With the Greatest Respect Your Excellencys Much Obleeg’d Humble Servt

Jno Green

Mr Franklin
Addressed: The Honnourable / Benjamin Franklin / at / Passy / Near / Paris
Notation: Green Nov. 18. 1779.
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