I take this Opportunity to Inform you that I am amarican One of Maryland who sailed from Alexandria and had the misfortune to be Taken the Day after we Left the Capes of Virginae by the Trace fregatt. They being scarse of provsions they set all the men upon perroal at the Cape Except me. They Carried to Newyork the Prize master. Being a friend to the Maricans he gave me Liberty to make my Escape. I found it Impossible to get clare unless I could get on Board of some Vessel or another. So I Met with Capt. Alexander Kenniday. He Tolad me that his family liv’d in Virginea and that he had then bin three years from them and that he intended the first Opportunity to Goin to Virginnae after he had made a Vyoage to London which I thaught the Best Opportunity I could meet with. So I agreed with him and saild for London and was Taken by a priveteer and carried into fackum Which I think it very hard to be a prisoner amonge them that are United with amaricae. If any of these French had so Luckey fell in the hands of the maricans they could have their Liberty to go to any part of amaricae they chose. So I Do Exspect the same and will be glad of an answer soon as possible. And in so Doind you will greatly oblige Your Humble Sarvant