From Isaiah Thomas (unpublished)
Worvester Jany. 8th. 1788.

We are sometimes engaged in Undertakings, which when properly planned and executed the Work is finished to our satisfaction; but should one part of the Plan be too long neglected, the whole will soon be deranged. Thus circumstanced we are often obliged to hurry the Business to a Close in a Manner far different from our Wishes.

I received your favour of the 27th ult. While I express my grateful Thanks to you, for so obligingly granting me the Permission I desired, I have to regret, as I most sincerely do that I cannot now make Use of it. I was to blame in not making my Request sooner. When I wrote to your Excellency the Work was nearly completed. I deferred, however, the Printing of the first half Sheet three Weeks after all the others—the Time had been set for Publication—the Subscribers were calling for Books—not hearing from you, and finally fearing you might not be propitious to my Wishes, I put it to the Press, inscribed to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, only eight Days before I was honoured with your Letter, and but one day before a Number of the Books being bound, were delivered to Subscribers; had not this last Circumstance taken place, I should have reprinted that Part which contained the Inscription, and thereby have been gratified by finally handing it to the Publick consonant to my Wishes; but as the Books had gone abroad, it was too late.

I am happy you think favourably of the Author’s Plan, and more so, that you have expressed your Approbation of the Execution of the typographical Part of the Work, and wish you may have the same Opinion of both when you see a complete Copy, which I shall take the Liberty to forward to your Excellency in a few Days.

I return you my most sincere Thanks for granting my Request; and as I expect soon to begin another Edition, I will then make Use of the Liberty you have granted me. With the greatest Esteem, I have the Honour to be Your Excellency’s most obedient and very humble Servant

Isaiah Thomas.

His Excellency Benja. Franklin, Esqr.
Addressed: His Excellency Benjan. Franklin, Esqr. / Philadelphia / Free. I. Thomas.
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