Broad-Street Buildings, Jan. 26, 1770.
A Conversation between an Englishman, a Scotchman,
and an American, on the Subject
of Slavery.
Englishman. You Americans make a great
Clamour upon every little imaginary Infringement of what you take
to be your Liberties; and yet there are no People upon Earth such
Enemies to Liberty, such absolute Tyrants, where you have the
Opportunity, as you yourselves are.
American. How does that appear?
Eng. Read Granville Sharpe’s Book upon
Slavery: There it appears with a Witness.
Amer. I have read it.
Eng. And pray what do you think of
Amer. To speak my Opinion candidly, I
think it in the Main a good Book. I applaud the Author’s Zeal for
Liberty in general. I am pleased with his Humanity. But his
general Reflections on all Americans, as having no
real Regard for Liberty; as having so little Dislike of Despotism
and Tyranny, that they do not scruple to exercise them with
unbounded Rigour over their miserable Slaves, and the like, I
cannot approve of; nor of the Conclusion he draws, that therefore
our Claim to the Enjoyment of Liberty for ourselves, is unjust. I
think, that in all this, he is too severe upon the Americans, and
passes over with too partial an Eye the Faults of his own Country.
This seems to me not quite fair: and it is particularly
injurious to us at this Time, to endeavour to render us
odious, and to encourage those who would oppress us, by
representing us as unworthy of the Liberty we are now contending
Eng. What Share has that Author’s
Country (England I mean) in the Enormities he complains of? And why
should not his Reflections on the Americans be general?
Amer. They ought not to be general,
because the Foundation for them is not general. New England, the
most populous of all the English Possessions in America, has very
few Slaves; and those are chiefly in the capital Towns, not
employed in the hardest Labour, but as Footmen or House-maids. The
same may be said of the next populous Provinces, New-York, New
Jersey, and Pensylvania. Even in Virginia, Maryland, and the
Carolinas, where they are employed in Field-work, what Slaves there
are belong chiefly to the old rich Inhabitants, near the navigable
Waters, who are few compared with the numerous Families of
Back-settlers, that have scarce any Slaves among them. In Truth,
there is not, take North-America through, perhaps, one Family in a
Hundred that has a Slave in it. Many Thousands there abhor the
Slave Trade as much as Mr. Sharpe can do, conscientiously avoid
being concerned with it, and do every Thing in their Power to
abolish it. Supposing it then with that Gentleman, a Crime to keep
a Slave, can it be right to stigmatize us all with that Crime? If
one Man of a Hundred in England were dishonest, would it be right
from thence to characterize the Nation, and say the English are
Rogues and Thieves? But farther, of those who do keep Slaves, all
are not Tyrants and Oppressors. Many treat their Slaves with great
Humanity, and provide full as well for them in Sickness and in
Health, as your poor labouring People in England are provided for.
Your working Poor are not indeed absolutely Slaves; but there seems
something a little like Slavery, where the Laws oblige them to work
for their Masters so many Hours at such a Rate, and leave them no
Liberty to demand or bargain for more, but imprison them in a
Workhouse if they refuse to work on such Terms, and even imprison a
humane Master if he thinks fit to pay them better; at the same Time
confining the poor ingenious Artificer to this Island, and
forbidding him to go abroad, though offered better Wages in foreign
Countries. As to the Share England has in these Enormities of
America, remember, Sir, that she began the Slave Trade; that her
Merchants of London, Bristol, Liverpool and Glasgow, send their
Ships to Africa for the Purpose of purchasing Slaves. If any unjust
Methods are used to procure them; if Wars are fomented to obtain
Prisoners; if free People are enticed on board, and then confined
and brought away; if petty Princes are bribed to sell their
Subjects, who indeed are already a Kind of Slaves, is America to
have all the Blame of this Wickedness? You bring the Slaves to us,
and tempt us to purchase them. I do not justify our falling into
the Temptation. To be sure, if you have stolen Men to sell to us,
and we buy them, you may urge against us the old and true saying,
that the Receiver is as bad as the Thief. This Maxim was
probably made for those who needed the Information, as being
perhaps ignorant that receiving was in it’s Nature as bad as
stealing: But the Reverse of the Position was never thought
necessary to be formed into a Maxim, nobody ever doubted that
the Thief is as bad as the Receiver. This you have
not only done and continue to do, but several Laws heretofore made
in our Colonies, to discourage the Importation of Slaves, by laying
a heavy Duty, payable by the Importer, have been disapproved and
repealed by your Government here, as being prejudicial, forsooth,
to the Interest of the African Company.
Eng. I never heard before of any such
Laws made in America. But the severe Laws you have made, on
Pretence of their being necessary for the Government of your Slaves
(and even of your white Servants) as they stand quoted by Mr.
Sharpe, give us no good Opinion of your general Humanity, or of
your Respect for Liberty. These are not the Acts of a few private
Persons; they are made by your Representatives in your Assemblies,
and are therefore the Act of the whole.
Amer. They are so; and possibly some of
them made in Colonies where the Slaves greatly out-number the
Whites, as in Barbadoes now, and in Virginia formerly, may be more
severe than is necessary; being dictated perhaps by Fear and too
strong an Opinion, that nothing but extream Severity could keep the
Slaves in Obedience, and secure the Lives of their Masters. In
other Colonies, where their Numbers are so small as to give no
Apprehensions of that Kind, the Laws are milder, and the Slaves in
every Respect, except in the Article of Liberty, are under the
Protection of those Laws: A white Man is as liable to suffer Death
for killing a Slave, though his own, as for any other Homicide. But
it should be considered, with regard to these severe Laws, that in
Proportion to the greater Ignorance or Wickedness of the People to
be governed, Laws must be more severe: Experience every where
teaches this. Perhaps you may imagine the Negroes to be a mild
tempered, tractable Kind of People. Some of them indeed are so. But
the Majority [are] of a plotting Disposition, dark, sullen,
malicious, revengeful and cruel in the highest Degree. Your
Merchants and Mariners, who bring them from Guinea, often find this
to their Cost in the Insurrections of the Slaves on board the Ships
upon the Coast, who kill all when they get the upper Hand. Those
Insurrections are not suppressed or prevented but by what your
People think a very necessary Severity, the shooting or hanging
Numbers sometimes on the Voyage. Indeed many of them, being
mischievous Villains in their own Country, are sold off by their
Princes in the Way of Punishment by Exile and Slavery, as you here
ship off your Convicts: And since your Government will not suffer a
Colony by any Law of it’s own to keep Slaves out of the Country,
can you blame the making such Laws as are thought necessary to
govern them while they are in it?
Eng. But your Laws for the Government of
your white Servants are almost as severe as those for the
Amer. In some Colonies they are so,
those particularly to which you send your Convicts. Honest hired
Servants are treated as mildly in America every where as in
England: But the Villains you transport and sell to us must be
ruled with a Rod of Iron. We have made Laws in several Colonies to
prevent their Importation: These have been immediately repealed
here, as being contrary to an Act of Parliament. We do not thank
you for forcing them upon us. We look upon it as an unexampled
Barbarity in your Government to empty your Gaols into our
Settlements; and we resent it as the highest of Insults. If mild
Laws could govern such People, why don’t you keep and govern them
by your own mild Laws at home? If you think we treat them with
unreasonable Severity, why are you so cruel as to send them to us?
And pray let it be remembered, that these very Laws, the cruel
Spirit of which you Englishmen are now pleased so to censure, were,
when made, sent over hither, and submitted, as all Colony Laws must
be, to the King in Council for Approbation, which Approbation they
received, I suppose upon thorough Consideration and sage Advice. If
they are nevertheless to be blamed, be so just as to take a Share
of the Blame to yourselves.
Scotchman. You should not say we force
the Convicts upon you. You know you may, if you please, refuse to
buy them. If You were not of a tyrannical Disposition; if you did
not like to have some under you, on whom you might exercise and
gratify that Disposition; if you had really a true Sense of
Liberty, about which you make such a Pother, you would purchase
neither Slaves nor Convict Servants, you would not endure such a
Thing as Slavery among you.
Amer. It is true we may refuse to buy
them, and prudent People do so. But there are still a Number of
imprudent People, who are tempted by the Lowness of the Price, and
the Length of the Time for which your Convicts are sold, to
purchase them. We would prevent this Temptation. We would keep your
British Man-Merchants, with their detestable Ware, from coming
among us: But this you will not allow us to do. And therefore I say
you force upon us the Convicts as well as the Slaves. But, Sir, as
to your Observation, that if we had a real Love of Liberty, we
should not suffer such a Thing as Slavery among us, I am little
surprised to hear this from you, a North Briton, in whose own
Country, Scotland, Slavery still subsists, established by Law.
Scotchman: I suppose you mean the
heretable Jurisdictions. There was not properly any Slavery in
them: And, besides they are now all taken away by Act of
Amer. No, Sir, I mean the Slavery in
your Mines. All the Wretches that dig Coal for you, in those dark
Caverns under Ground, unblessed by Sunshine, are absolute Slaves by
your Law, and their Children after them, from the Time they first
carry a Basket to the End of their Days. They are bought and sold
with the Colliery, and have no more Liberty to leave it than our
Negroes have to leave their Master’s Plantation. If having black
Faces, indeed, subjected Men to the Condition of Slavery, you might
have some small Pretence for keeping the poor Colliers in that
Condition: But remember, that under the Smut their Skin is
white, that they are honest good People, and at
the same Time are your own Countrymen!
Eng. I am glad you cannot reproach
England with this; our Colliers are as free as any other
Amer. And do you therefore pretend that
you have no such Thing as Slavery in England?
Eng. No such Thing most certainly.
Amer. I fancy I could make it appear to
you that you have, if we could first agree upon the Definition of a
Slave. And if your Author’s Position is true, that those who keep
Slaves have therefore no right to Liberty themselves you Englishmen
will be found as destitute of such Rights as we Americans I
Eng. What is then your Definition of a
Slave? Pray let us hear it, that we may see whether or no we can
agree in it.
Amer. A Slave, according to my Notion,
is a human Creature, stolen, taken by Force, or bought of another
or of himself, with Money; and who being so taken or bought, is
compelled to serve the Taker, or Purchaser, during Pleasure or
during Life. He may be sold again, or let for Hire, by his Master
to another, and is then obliged to serve that other; he is one who
is bound to obey, not only the Commands of his Master, but also the
Commands of the lowest Servant of that Master, when set over him;
who must come when he is called, go when he is bid, and stay where
he is ordered, though to the farthest Part of the World, and in the
most unwholesome Climate; who must wear such Cloaths as his Master
thinks fit to give him, and no other, though different from the
common Fashion, and contrived to be a distinguishing Badge of
Servitude; and must be content with such Food or Subsistence as his
Master Thinks fit to order for him, or with such small Allowance in
Money as shall be given him in Lieu of Victuals or Cloathing; who
must never absent himself from his Master’s Service Without Leave;
who is subject to severe Punishments for small Offences, to
enormous Whippings, and even Death, for absconding from his
Service, or for Disobedience to Orders. I imagine such a Man is a
Slave to all Intents and Purposes.
Eng. I agree to your Definition. But
surely, surely, you will not say there are any such Slaves in
Amer. Yes, many Thousands, if an English
Sailor or Soldier is well described in that Definition. The Sailor
is often forced into Service, torn from all his natural
Connections. The Soldier is generally bought in the first Place for
a Guinea and a Crown at the DrumHead: His Master may sell his
Service, if he pleases, to any foreign Prince, or barter it for any
Consideration by Treaty, and send him to shoot or be shot at in
Germany or Portugal, in Guinea or the Indies. He is engaged for
Life; and every other Circumstance of my Definition agrees with his
Situation. In one Particular, indeed, English Slavery goes beyond
that exercised in America.
Eng. What is that?
Amer. We cannot command a Slave of ours
to do an immoral or a wicked Action. We cannot oblige him, for
Instance, to commit Murder! If we should
order it, he may refuse, and our Laws would Justify him. But
Soldiers must, on Pain of Death, obey the Orders they receive;
though, like Herod’s Troops, they should be commanded to slay all
your Children under two Years old, cut the Throats of your Children
in the Colonies, or shoot your Women and Children in St. George’s