I am requested by Mr. Dempster whom you must probably know by Parliamentary reputation to introduce to your acquaintance the bearer of this letter Dr. Ross who proposes to settle in America as a Physician. I have no other acquaintance with him than thro Mr. Dempster’s means but he appears by his conversation to be very ingenious and well informed. Tho a young man (about 34) he has been a great traveller having passed several years in various parts of the East Indies and Turky. He proposes with your permission to take your advice with respect to his proposed settlement as a practising Physician in America. Mr. Dempster has given me a very high character for understanding and abilities which as far as I have experienced his conversation he appears entitled to. As such I beg leave to transmitt Mr. Dempster’s recommendation to you. I thank you for yours of the 7th Inst. and for your political parable, and think very seriously (as I know you do) of the moral of your fable. I shall be very glad to hear of the arrival of the ratification from America, and upon the first notification from you, will apply for the exchange of the british ratification. Pray remember me to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mr. W T Franklin and all friends Ever yours Most affectionately