In Germany one has Two kinds of Groshens in all Saxony one part of Prushia Talda & Hessia one Rixdollar has 24 goode all Hamover, Brunswinck Vestphalie &c & the Rixdollar has 36 marrien groshen. The pound Sterling is Commonly bought & Sold for 5 Rixdollars 22 goode Groshen. or 5 Rixdolla[rs] 33 Marrien Groshen. both prices are one eaqualls If you take the above Cours of the Exchange the Rixdollar is Commonly 3 shilling or 2 pence. & allmost only 3 shillings. who ever reckens the Rixdollar higher on will make to much profit. The Signoteurs in Marckd accounts are