Nicholas-George Moëballe to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
La Vitry near Paris the 12. Xbr. 1779.
Dear Sir!

Imediately after, I hath waited on his Excellency I was confined to my Room & Bed, accabled with a number of maladies all at once, which, I thought would have finished all me Troubles for the life ... I am far from being recovred, although part of me Ilness is past; but shall employ the rest of me patience a fourthnight more, in hope, then, to be able to retourn again to Holland; and from there to St: Eustatius’ etc: etc:—Sir! you could oblige me particulary; When you will be good enough To acquaint His Excellency Doctor Franklin me situation as afore mentioned; with addition; that accabled with sickness, and, without a friend in Paris; self exhausted me little Cash (: not Calculated for any stay here:) I made application to Mr: Artur Lee for a Trifle assistance; or in his Public Capacity as Agent for Virginia to be Charg’d to the said Estate; or in his privée which should be repaid from Holland imidiately; but to my greatest surprise recived his answer that he nither in his Public nor private Caracter, could do me any assistance; concluding, that when it could be any comfort to Colo. Moëballe, to know; that Mr. Lee is in the same situation, Mr. Lee could easily proove it;—I ought not dispute Mr Lee’s veracity wherefore I have given advis by diferent ways to Governor & Council in Virginia, in fine they do better support their Agent; then, when his situation is equal to mÿne I have compassion with him, being without friend, credit, mony, being sick, and no recource but a comon Hospital offers itself to me freinds; in ordre to avoid the Later mention’d; I have been oblig’d to write to Holland for assistance; in attendance thereof, I am waiting on half allowance ½ a Lieu without Paris;—and whereas the continuation of this miserable situation, depends on me Correspondents accuratesse; I don’t attend the said remiss before to morrow: 8 Daÿs.—Should ad interim mÿ Landlady grow impatient by no paÿment Demand in mÿ behalf; that his Excellency will be pleased to assist me with a couple of Louis d’or:—I will only have his word, or promise; and send for the same when it should necessarily be required; then can I pass the time until the required assistens do arrive from Holland, I will by no means Trouble His Excellency with such affairs—

be pleased to send me an answer to morrow Directed as follows Le Colo. Moëballe L’Hotel d’ Yorke, Faubourg St. Germain Rue Jacob—à Paris Where I shall send for your friendly answer. and should any Letters be at Yours for me, be good enough to direct them the same way, all expenses shall duely be repayed I am Dear Sir your most obt. Serv


Mr. Franklin Junior.
à Passÿ
Addressed: à Monsieur / Monr. Franklin Junior / Chez Monsieur Franklin, Ministre / Plenipotene: des Etates Unie d’Amerique / à Passy / pres de Paris
Notation: M. Moeballe Paris 12. Decr. 1779.
Endorsed: Ansd 14 Decr. 79 The two Louis were sent.
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