From William Hodgson
als: American Philosophical Society
London 4 Decemr. 1780
Dear sir

I rec'd your favor of the 24th Octr with the accot of Prisoners Released which I laid before the Board of Sick & Hurt & they are allowed in Acc't, there remains due from you 41 Prisoners to make up the Number of the last Cartel, & untill that Debt is paid it is in Vain to expect any more exchanges. Inclosed you have an Acc't of the expenditure of the one hundred pounds Rec'd from Mr Grand for the Relief of the Prisoners distresses— There have been lately near one hundred more committed to Forton, the publick Subscription is in a manner exhausted, so that very little more future help can be expected from that Quarter— Mens Minds seem more & more soured in this unhappy contest, insomuch, that to have even common Sentiments of Humanity towards Americans, is sufficient to expose such as possess them to obloquy & Reproach, However upon that Ground no Reproaches shall alter my Resolution to do all that in me lies, consistent with the Laws of my Country to alle-viate their distress, persuaded that by so doing, I shall have the perfect complacency & Satisfaction of my own Mind— At the same Time it is not only necessary to act perfectly right, but is also necessary to avoid all cause of Censure by avoiding every concern but what Relates to the Objects which have hitherto been the sole purpose of our Correspondence, in that Line or in any conciliatory Measure you may freely command me, I decline no difficulty because upon that Ground I can face any Man or body of Men— I am with great Respect Dr sir your most Obedt. Hble serv

William Hodgson

p.s. Am sorry to acquaint you our old Friend Mr Bentley died last week much regretted by the old Club— Your last inclosure was forwarded as directed alltho I have not the least doubt but that it was of a Nature perfectly innocent, yet in future I wish you to avoid that mode of Conveyance.
March 31.Cash to Mr Wren at Portmo£ 21
Do Mr Heath at Plymo10.10
May 31.a distressed American Capt4.4
Oct.Cash Mr. Wren20
Sundry Clothing to Portmo
& Plym37. 9.6
Cash & Cloths to some
prisoners in Wood st
Addressed: Dr. Franklin / Passy
Notation: Hodgson William. London Decr. 4. 1780.
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