From Sir Edward Newenham (unpublished)
Oct 20, 1783.
Dear Sir

Every hour of my Life induces me most Gratefully to commemorate the Aera, that first made me acquainted with the Virtuous Heir of ancient Roman Patriotism; this day I had the honor of your Excellencys of the 2d Inst: at the same time that I had one from Philadelphia, mentioning a hope that this Independant Kingdom would be included in the Commercial Treaty.

I had determined on the first day of the meeting of our Parliament to have introduced that Subject, but a dangerous disorder in my bowels obliged me to Keep my room untill this day, when I ventured down stairs; the late rains have been so incessant, and the air so damp and foggy, that this disorder in the Bowels has Carried off great Numbers, particularily my ever to be lamented friend Mr. Baron Burgh; He was the mover of the amendment—a Free Trade—he was my Second in Stopping more troops being sent to America—he was a warm friend to a Parliament Reform, and he would have proved a Valuable acquisition to the house of Lords, as Appeals are not to be tried before them; for I am Sorry to Say, we have not ten Lords fit, competent or proper to Judge Appeals; I would rather (if our Constitution could permit it) have our appeals tried in any Country than this—Mr. Burgh pleaded my Cause against the Crown for 2 years and finaly cast them, but never accepted of a fee. He first encouraged the Cotton Manufacture, which is now well Established. He died, almost a Pauper—but Parliament have recommended his orphan Children to Government; he was a faithfull friend and Virtuous Citizen; Pardon this digression!

Our Linnens have had a Quicker and better sale than last year, and Larger returns in Specie; and a good deal have been Sent to Different parts of america; our Manufacturers are more carefull and more Exact in their work, than formerly; but the Trade of this City in Woollens is very Low, many hundreds are starving, and thousands out of Employment; as the Shops are overstocked; however I hope a very Short Time will releive them; I shall move a Clubb that I am in, to give a grand Masquerade Ball to 5 or 600 persons; this will circulate 2 or 3000 pound; a Number are gone and others

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