From John Jay
al (draft): Columbia University Library
Madrid 29 Octr. 1781
Dr. Sir

As your Letter permitting me to draw upon you for the amount of the Bills payable in this & the next Month, did not arrive till after several of them had become payable, Mr Cabar-rus was so obliging as to advance the necessary Sums— I have this Day drawn Bills in his favor on you to the amount of 76,681 Livrs. 13 Sols & 6 Den. which at 14.8. the present Exchange is equal to 16,038 Dollars, of which 5400 are on account of the [Nov] Months Bills—

The Bills now drawn are as follows vizt.


No.1 — for2400No.11: for —3800

Mr. Cabarrus has not charged me with either Commissions or Brokerage, on this Occasion, and on Inquiry I am informed that those Charges in such Cases are not customary at least in this City.

I have the Honor to be with perfect Esteem & Regard yr.Exy.


His Exy Benj Franklin Esq
Notation: To Doct Franklin 29 Octr. 1781 advice of Bills drawn this Day— 12 Novr signed 2d Set
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