From Thomas Plumer Byde (unpublished)
Naples Feb: 8th, 1783

It is more than probably that the multitude of great affairs in which you have lately been engagd must have banishd from your mind any remembrance of an individual insignifacant as I am to my freind Mr Wharton therefore if still with you I refer you for an account of my Disposition and Rank Ridge in Business, and in particular for a Description of my political Opinions as a stil farther proof of this I must refer you to this first Parliament of the present King of England I was than a Member and you will fin my name in the List of those who voted for the repeal of the Stamp Act, and upon every other occasion joining my Endeavours to support the Liberties of America. The time is now come when I think I may congratulate you upon having happily concluded the greatest Event ever undertaken by any one man, a most     trade must I suppose be the immediate Consequence and I imagine the united States like all other trading powers will     appoint Eonsuls or Agents at every port of Consequence in the Mediterranean as such, at other ports of the world, I at present reside in this City. If you would be so kind to recommend me to an Employment in this port of the world I should execute this Trust    in me by the States with the greatest fidelity and upon all Occasions do every thing in my power to promote the Interest and Glory of those who employd me. Not knowing where Mr. Wharton now resides I have taken this Liberty to enclose a Letter for him which I beg you to forward; if you are kind enough to honour me with an Answer, please to direct at Naples Post Restante. I am Your Excellencies Most Obedient Humble Servant

Thos. Plumer Byde

Addressed: Doctor Franklin
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