From John Guy Gautier (unpublished)
Barcelona, May 2, 1778

The principles of Liberty which I have Suckled In my earliest Education and in the History of the Country of my Ancestors, Swisserland, have made me look on the struggles of the united Colonies of America to obtain their Independancy, with a Just admiration, and the best wishes for their Success, and it is with a real pleasure and Satisfaction I have seen my King and nation be the first to Lend a hand to the glorious revolution, that soon will put North America on a parr with the most respectable and powerfull Empire in the World: besides those motives of my partiality for the general good of that Country, Gratitude has a great Share in my Wishes for its Wellfare, as my House here and I in particular, have received many favours from the merchants of the Provinces of New England, Pensilvania, Virginia, the Carolina &ca., when the trade of those ports with these, was uninterupted: and I flatter my self I Still have valuable friends in those provinces, therefore desirous of opportunities to Cultivate that friendship, and to render my best services to that New State, I Sometime ago Expressed to My friend Monsr. Grand (under whose Sanction and Cover I make bold to adress you this) my Ambition of being Employed in the Service of the united Colonies, as their Consul General in this Province, when they might have concluded their Treaties with the Court of Spain; and said friend very kindly promised to recommend me to You for, but at same time added that when the time of such nominations Shoud Come; you doubtless woud begin, by Electing American Gentlemen, On which, however just it be I beg leave to observe to you, that though many persons of more talent and capacity than I may occur to your Mind at Once, yet I firmly am of Opinion None will be found more devoted to the Service of the Congress and Colonies, nor perhaps so able and qualified to fulfill the views of Your Government, as in order to exert the Employ of Consul, in this Kingdom, to the Satisfaction of the respective States, it is absolutely Necessary to be acquainted with the Language, Laws, Customs, Morals and Trade of the Country, all which, as well as the Consideration of the first people in Command in the place, I have duly acquired by near Eleven years residency, in these dominions, always in Trade with which advantage, and that of possessing the Dutch and Italian Languages, besides the French English and Spanish, I take the Liberty to offer you all my faculties for the Service of the united Colonies and to entreat that when the Nomination of Consuls for this kingdom may come to pass, you kindly will attend my request, and Call me to the Consulship for this province of Cataluña which I expect will have Large trading Connections with No. America, I ever Shall retain the most gratefull sense for your favour and assure you of my constant readiness to Serve the State and the Employ I Sollicit with honour and due dignity. My good friend Mr. Grand will inform you of my connections and reputation in trade, and if further Eclaircissements are wanted, enquiries may be made here from the french Consul on the Commandant General and the Intendant of the place and province.

I have the honour to be very respectfully Sir! Your most Obedient and Most devoted humble Servant

John Guy Gautier.

To Benjn. Franklin Esqr. plenipotentiary of the united Colonies of America at Paris
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