Inclosed is a Letter and a Memorandum from Mr. Wetherhead, a Friend of mine with a Bill payable to me, on a Mr. Williamos, for 220 £ Sterling, and indorsed to you. The Person on whom it is drawn has not, as you will see, used my Friend well, and we hear that he has some Scheme of going to America, and wishes to recommend himself to Dr. Franklin for his Interest there, and, it is supposed that rather than the Doctor should be made acquainted with his Conduct to Mr. Wetherhead he would pay the Money which he is able to do. You will much oblige me if you should contrive to get the Money, and if it can be done delicately so as not to expose him or injure his Character with the Doctor it will please my Friend best. You must deduct Postage and other Expences.