Mr. Joseph Elam, who will have the honor of delivering this letter to your excellency, is a native of Great Britain, and now a citizen of Virginia. He informs me, that he was arrested in Philadelphia, as a proper Subject for the hospital there, and that he has escaped from his confinement. He wishes to return to your city for the arrangement of some business, which he left unsettled. But he fears, that he may be again taken into custody, unless he can receive your excellency’s protection.
What his conduct in Philadelphia may have been, to induce those, who are in authority in the hospital department, to deprive him of his liberty, I know not. But I have been acquainted with him ever since his arrival, which was in Sep 2. 1785; have done a great deal of intricate business with him; and in the whole course of our transactions found him to be intelligent, and orderly in his behaviour. I beg leave to remind your excellency, that we have a hospital here; and no attempt has ever been made to conduct him thither. Should a necessity for such a measure arise, the directors will attend to the subject. As I write merely from Mr. Elam’s representation you will not impute any inaccuracy of facts to me. I thought myself bound to interpose thus far in behalf of a citizen; and at least to procure full information thro’ this means. I have the honor Sir to be with great respect your most obedient servant.