From George McCrea (unpublished)
To His Excellency Benjamin Franklin President of the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

The Petition of George Mc Crea, an inhabitant of Montgomery Township in Franklin County Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is a man Considerably Advanced in years and not able to endure the challange of hard Labour for a Livelyhood and of but Low Circumstances in the world and being situated on the Baltimore road, could have opportunity of selling Liquors by the smalls by which I apprehend I could make a Living as my Family is small, without Becoming chargable but not being able to purchase a Lycence and fearing to sell otherwise—most humbly prays your Excellency to grant me a Permission to sell Liqours by the small and I will give Security that I will keep an orderly house and as in duty bout Ever pray

George Mc. Cray

20th October 1788

We the Subscribers are well Reaquainted with the above Petitioner and are realy of Opinion that the Hounorable Councill would do well to indulge him According to the prayer of his Petitions

John Hortz
Samuel McCulloch
Wm Henderson
Geo. Clark
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