Your Excellency may gratiously pardon, if a foreigner unknown, yet bold, takes the Liberty in addressing Lines to Your Eyes, wishing not to be troublesom but only to get the Happiness to be remarked from so great a Philosopher and Father of his People. Years are allready elapsed, I ardently wish’d to pay my humblest Respects to You at Paris, and the Picture of Your holy Person remains for ever in my Memory. With the highest Desire to live in lawful Liberty; to make happy my innocent Family and to take it as a Reward from Heaven to be conducted to the Dominions of the united States, I did all my possible to be delivered from Oppression and Slavery of the Ministres of the King of England; taking my preferablest Property, abandon Hannover the Capital City of the Electorate and went to Charleston. Not necessitated by Immorality or Crime, I departed at the 20th of July with the best Hope to attain these fortunate Shores. Learned in my Youth in Divinity at the University of Gottingen, skilled in Agriculture and compleated in Commerce and in the Possession of considerable fortune I thought nothing else, than to live in America in a better Condition as at Hannover. But scarce my new Carriage begins, as the first Unluck prov’d, that no Mortal before Death, can be perfectly fortunate. I lost by Carelesness of a shipper 24 Chests of fine Wares in the River Weeser and corrupted by Victriol one thousand Pounds were also a Prey of the Waves. Nevertheless I found Measures to my Purpose and by those I arrived at the 16th of Nov. p. Y. neer the shore of South Carolina with the Vessel Suratte from Bremen . Now I thought my Wishes finish’d, but another Disaster puts me in the highest Perplexity a black Pilot neglects our Ship and in two Fathoms of Water it brokes before my Eyes. Deprived from all Necessities, nacked, sick, and poor we arrived at Charleston and lived there two Months, as Certificates may humbly assure. The Difference but from the 52 Degree to the 32th makes us sick and was the Reason to go from this Place. God will reward all Persons there, who assisted me in my Indigence. From thence we set out the first of this Month and arrived here the 10th. With the utmost Pleasure of my Soul I perceived that Your Excellency live in this elated City and nothing can be contrary to pay the highest Veneration. Ah! that I could be so happy to attain that Point! The Prosperity of my at present unhappy Family could easily be founded upon Your Excellency undemerited [Grace?]. Nothing else is my Wish than to be a sincere Subject of these States and to apply in the future the Remainders of my fortune as soon I received from Germany, in multiplying the Millions of so beloved Inhabitants. Poor but never [base?] I repeat my ardent Wishes for Your Excellencys Welfare and till to the remoted Days of [Your?] Life I persist with the highest Respect Most Honourable Sir! Your Excellency most humble and most obedient Servant