Jonathan Williams, Jr. to the Gentlemen at Nantes (unpublished)
Nantes March 20. 1779—

To William Blacke, Daniel Blacke, Philip R. Fendall[,] Joseph Wharton, John Lloyd & Oglivie Esqrs. Paimboeuf


The inclos’d Letter was delivered to me by one of the Gentlemen to whom it is address’d with Direction to forward it to you: I therefore send it per Express—

I earnestly entreat you to return hither and meet the other Gentlemen for the purposes mentioned, and on my part you may depend on the strictest compliance with Doctor Franklins requestition. I am sorry for the trouble this must give you, but I trust your regard to Justice and the Public good will enduce you immediately to comply with my resquest; the necessary delay of the Convoy which is to rendezvous at Brest will allow you Sufficient time for the Business, and my accounts are in such Readiness as to occasion but little Detention—

You are bound to America, Gentlemen, & by this Examination will have it in you Power either to expose an unworthy Servant of the Public, or Support the Character of a faith full one; the first is the Duty of every friend to his Country, for the Latter, (if you are convinced,) your Sense of the Inportance & Delicacy of a mans reputation is my surest Dependance—

I request an answer by the Bearer and have the Honour to be with respect, Gentlemen, Your most obedient & most humble Servant

Jon Williams J

Notation [partially in Jonathan Williams’ hand?]: Copy of a Letter from J Williams Jr to W. Blake, D Blake, P. R Fendal J Wharton J Lloyd & —Oglivie Esqrs. at Painbeuf dated Nanted Mar. 20. 1779 per Express.   N1
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