Charles Storer to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
St: Quentin. 17th. Novr:..83.

My Cousin, Mr: Wm: Smith, going from hence to Paris, & being desirous of paying his respects chez vous, I have taken the liberty to introduce him to you, & through you to your Grandfather.—Mr: Smith, not intending to have visited Paris, is the reason why he has not letters of Introduction: but as your Grandfather knows his family and Connections, I trust they will not be deemed requisite to entitle him to your attention—

Mr: Fitch, the young Gentleman who accompanies Mr: Smith, permit me to introduce to you.—He is also from Boston, and is the Son of Mr: Timo. Fitch—

Any Civilities shew these Gentlemen I shall esteem myself indebted for: and in return you have only to command my Services.—

With best respects to your Grandfather, I am

Sir Yr: humle: servt:

Chas. Storer.

Mr: W: T: Franklin.
Addressed: Monsieur / Monsr: W: T: Franklin. / Passy.
Notation: C Storer St. Quentin 17 Nov 1783
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