Franklin’s Private Response to Chaumont’s Revised Account: Draft
ad (draft): American Philosophical Society
[after July 9, 1782]


A, a Stranger, desirous of sending a Cargo of Provisions to his Island on an Emergency, prevail’d with B to assist him with his Credit in doing it. B procur’d part of the Provisions on Credit, and charter’d a Ship to transport them, on low Freight, but on condition of paying her Value to the Owners in case of Loss. The Ship and Cargo was lost, the Creditors & Owners came upon B for Payment, threatning Suits which would have ruin’d him. He apply’d to A, who delay’d some time, but at last paid the whole, delivering B from his Anxiety by discharging his Engagements.

Question. Whether according to the Custom of Merchants, B has merited some Commission for this Transaction, and what Commission?

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