From Amelia Barry (unpublished)
Pisa 20th 7bre 1782
My Dear Sir,

Docr. Burrows, the Gentleman who will have the honor to present you this letter, is one of the few friends to whom I am under infinite obligations. During his residence in Tuscany, I have found united in his Person, the character of a skilful Phisician, and a most sincere Friend: To my lasting regret, he is going with his family, to England; should he meet with any obstacle at Paris, in the prosecution of his journey, I earnestly entreat your powerful exertions in his favor; and every attention you may shew Docr. Burrows I shall consider as most immediately extended to me. He will give you my revered paternal Friend, my news and I am sure your benevolent heart will sympathize in the misfortunes of Most Dear Sir, Your grateful, affectionate and devoted

A. Barry

His Excellency B. Franklin Esqr.
Addressed: Doctr. Burrows / Rue Gilt Coeur / Hotel de / vis a vis Le Commissaire / du coté de la rue St. Andre des / arts. A Madam / Madam Barry / Piaza St. Nicola / Pisa Samuel Gustaf Hermelin / Conselier des Mines en Suede Coulougnac rue des deux Boules hotel des Bourdonnois par une lettre de reccoumandation au sujet d’une Creance de 85 mille Livres sur l’etat de Virginie
Endorsed: A Barry 20 Septr. 82
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