My last was of the 18 Decemr. since then none of your favours.—We are employed here much in the same way as we have been for some time past—a party Spirit & Jealousy still prevail but of so litle consequence that the Creatures of faction cannot (or rather dare not) avow it openly—Many are Chagrined, but I May now venture to assure you My Friend! that things will go on right. Our Necessitys open our Eyes, & Arrangements are in contemplation that must give our affairs a different face.—
When Matters are finaly determined, I shall be able to write you with More certainty and freedom, untill then you must have a litle patience. Receive herewith a parcell of Newspapers.
Our Southern Army under Green, are in a much better Situation (& greatly increased, since the late Actions) thing coud be excpected—Another Battle of a similare warm contest woud render Cornwallis unable to get back to any place of protection & Security for his Army.—I still flatter myself a good account will be made of that party under command of his Lordship.
Will you be so obliging as to buy for me four Setts of the best Crayons, Such as you sent me for Mr Hopkinson last year and get them forwarded by some safe conveyance to care of Mr. Nesbitt at L’Orient directing him to commit them to Capt Darby of the ship Hope by whom this goes.—Please apply to Mr Grand Banker, & he will reimburse You far the Cost upon shewing him this part of my letter to you—
I beg to be very Respectfully Remembered to your good Grandfather. I hope he will live to see such a change brought about here, as will prove the insignificance of certain Characters, however much they may be flattered by their partisans.
Present Respects to Doctor Bancroft—Our friend Wharton is closeted up, writing, with the hopes of adding a New Governmt. to the present united thirteen. I am Sincerely—altho hurryed—Dear Sir Your friend & obedt Servt