From Thomas Digges
als: Historical Society of Pennsylvania
London 7 Mar. 1780
Dr. Sir

I am to beg the favour of you to inform me by first post, If the following American bills of Exa. are good ones; They are lodgd in my hands by a Countryman who waits to know their fate; that is, whether others of the same tenor & date have, or have not been paid. A letter sent to the former direction by Post, W.S. C at Nos Coffee Ho. with such information will greatly oblige Sr. Your Most Obt. Servant


No. 27—For 30Dolls.dated feby. 23d 1779—Payle to Jona
Warner countersignd Nicholas
Gilman for State of N Hamp-
26—For 30Dolls.dated, payable, & countersignd, as
25—For 30DollsDo   Do      Do
166—For 24Dollarsdated Feby. 15. 1779—payable to
Jonan Warner, countersignd Nat
Appleton Massachusts.
n.b. the above are all seconds—
No. 173  For 24Dollarsdated Feby 23 1779 payle to Peter
Boilston Adams, countersignd by
Natl Appleton Massachusets bay.
n.b. this is a first bill.
Addressed: Monsieur / Monsieur B. Franklin / Passy
Notations: M. Digges 11. Mars. 1780. Londone. / March 7 1780 / ansd 20. Mar 80
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