I intend, God willing, going to America the latter end of this, or the beginning of the next, Summer; but would be glad to know (hoping you will excuse my Presumption in asking as well as in writing) whether it is requisite for me to apply to Congress for leave to settle there or not.
I am a Clergyman of the Church of England, and have not the least hopes of advancing higher than the Station I am in at present (viz) a Curate. Sycophants to great Persons or fortune to purchace a Benefice are the men that are caressed now a days. The former I detest and abhor, the latter I can not command. I had a Brother that lived in Virginia, and was in France about five Years ago, by Name Edward Owen, and a Native of N. Wales; if he is alive, and will apply to his Brother Richd. Owen, Vicar of Aberach in Carnaroon Shire, or to me, he will hear of something to his advantage. I hope you will be so condescending as to let me have your answer, and in so doing you will greatly oblige Your very humble Servant