From David Hartley (unpublished)
August 29 1783
My Dear friend

Will you be so good as to send me Mr. Maddison’s pamphlet; the time is come for me to return. Be so good as to send me the Memorials of the Merchants trading to Carolina and Georgia. I must take copies in case of any future correspondence upon the Subject. Can you and Mr. Franklin do me the favour to dine with me on Saturday next at 3 o’clock


London Chronicle page 484 Sad Stuff
Addressed: A Son Excellence / Monsr Monsr Franklin / &c &c &c / Passy
Endorsed: recd May 29. 83   [In BF’s hand:] By his insisting so much on the Impolicy of the Writings he proposed to refute, his Reader may be led to suspect Policy in his Refutation; and not give his State of Affairs all the Credit it deserves—
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