From Samuel Osgood and Arthur Lee (unpublished)
Board of Treasury, September 25th, 1786.

In obedience to the orders of the United States in Congress we do ourselves the honor of transmitting to your Excellency for the Information of the Legislature of the State in which you preside, a Certified Copy of the act of Congress of the 18th Inst.

The reasons which have induced that Honorable Body to enter into the Enclosed Resolves are so evidently dictated by a regard to the great Interests of the Confederacy that we cannot doubt but that the wisdom of the several Legislatures will discern the propriety of acting in strict conformity with them in all their proceedings which relate to the Collection of the Revenue appropriated for the Service of the United States. We have the Honor to be with great Respect your Excellency’s obedient humble Servants,

Samuel Osgood,
Arthur Lee.
Addressed: His Excellency, Benjamin Franklin, Esq’r, President of the State of Pennsylvania.
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