To the Judges of the Admiralty of Vannes
Copy: Archives de la Marine
Passy 18th May 1780

By the declaration and report to me Made By the honourable Commodore Jones, a Copy of Which Declaration I here With Send you. It appears to me that the British Ship of War the Serapis therein mentioned to be met With, When Convoying a fleet of the Same Nation from the Baltick & taken By the Bonhomme Richard Which Was Commissioned By the Congress and Commanded By the aforesaid Commodore, is undoubtedly a good Prize, Being taken from the Ennemies of the United States of America, and I Do accordingly hereby Desire of you, that you Would Proceed to the sale of the above Said Prize, In Conformity to his Majesty’s Regulation of September 27th. 1778.

I have the honour to be &c.

Ainsy signé B. Franklin
ministre Plenipotentiaire
Des etats unis De Lamerique a La Cour de France

Copie De La Lettre de M. B Franklin aux officiers De L’amiraute de Vannes Certifie Conforme a loriginal

Chanu De Limur

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