To John Paul Jones
ls and transcript: National Archives; copy: Library of Congress
Passy March. 8. 1780
Dear Sir,

I received your Favour of the 3d Inst. I find the Arms are to be sent in one of the Kings Ships. I inclose an Order for the Cannon which you say You can take as Ballast. The other Particulars of your Letter I shall endeavour to answer to morrow. With great Esteem I am, Dear Sir, your most obedient & most humble Servant.

B Franklin

A muster Roll of the Bonhomme Richard will be wanted, I understand, in order to divide the Produce of the Prizes. Mr. Ross having wrote me word that he shall go in the Luzerne, I request you to take in his Stead Capt. Hutchins a very worthy American, who has suffered much for his Attachment to our Cause—
Honble Comme Jones—
Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur le Capitaine / Jones chez M. Gourlade / Negt / à L’Orient
Endorsed: From his Excellency Dr. Franklin Passy March 8th 1780
Notation: an order for the Cannon &c The BH: Richards muster Rolls wanted
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