Gurdon S. Mumford to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Nantes 9. Mar. 1782
Mr. W T Franklin Esqr

I wrote you the 5 Inst informing you of the steps taken towards recovering the money you lent Robeson—Since which he has had given him the Command of a Vessell Mr. Williams & others have purchased—This sudden change of his Circumstances will I hope give me the satisfaction of remitting you the long look’d for at last. In the mean time I remain with best Respects to your Grandfather & respectful Compliments to Mr de la Motte & believe me to be, Yours sincerely

G S Mumford

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin fils / à / Passy près Paris
Notation: Mumford Nantes 9 Mars 1782.
Endorsed: Ans. 19 May 82
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