Some of our mutual friends in this neighborhood are fitting out three Vessells intended to load salt, linins hardware etc. for Virginia but they greatly want documents or Passeports that they might goe unmollested from American privateers etc. We shall be much obliged to you to use your utmost endeavors to procure and send inclosed under a cover directed for Mr. John Brown sending us this under a cover to us with directions to forward it three letters from Doctor Franklin in favor of Chris Sheridan another in favor of Richd. Sheridan and the third in favor of John Macabe recomending them to the protection of all American arm’d vessels and to pass unmolested by them. If you cannot obtain the three letters get one if possible in favor of Chris Sheridan. Let not our name be mention’d in this business. We think his Excellency will without much dificulty grant them as the Parties have already served his friends and are making another attempt to serve them more effectually. Write us on this matter under address of John Browne and send under our cover as within mention’d.