Richard Bennett Lloyd to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
London 7th April 1780
Dear Sir,

I make no doubt but that Doctor Franklin informed you of my intention of embarking soon for America—and the season which obliges me to go from hence for Newyork—. I write these few lines to assure you that it will ever be my wish to preserve the Friendship of your worthy Grandfather and yourself—and whenever you may have leisure I shall be happy to hear from you—. I expect to embark early in May with my Family, shd. there be any commission that I can execute for you on the other side of the Atlantic I beg you will favour me with your commands—. There are various reports relating to an Armament said to be going from Brest for our Country—Some conjecture it is against Canada—others guess it is going for N: York for my own Selfish reasons I wish it may be the former—as peradventure when I arrive of Sandy Hook we may be obliged to about Ship for Halifax, or, perhaps for England—I wish to have your opinion if you think I run any risk of this sort?—Dites—le Moi.—My Wife’s and my best regards to Doctor Franklin & yourself I am, Dr. Sir, ever your’s &c. &c. &c.

Richard Btt. Lloyd

I beg for the favour of answer as soon as convenient—direct to the care [of] Messrs. Gale Dawes & Stephenson Tower Street London when you write to America direct for me at Annapolis in the State of Maryland—.
Endorsed: ansd 22. Ap. 80 kept no Copy
Notation: M. Richard B Lloyd London 7. Avril 1780.
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