To George Washington
ALS and copy: National Archives
Paris, June 13. 1777.

The Person who will have the Honour of delivering this to your Excellency, is Monsieur le Baron de Frey, who is well recommended to me as an Officer of Experience and Merit, with a Request that I would give him a Letter of Introduction. I have acquainted him that you are rather overstock’d with Officers, and that his obtaining Employment in your Army is an Uncertainty: But his Zeal for the American Cause is too great for any Discouragements I can lay before him, and he goes over at his own Expence to take his Chance, which is a Mark of Attachment that merits our Regard. He will show your Excellency the Commissions and Proofs of his military Service hitherto, and I beg Leave to recommend him to your Notice. With the sincerest Esteem and Respect, I have the Honour to be Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble Servant

B Franklin

His Excelly. Gen. Washington
Notations in different hands: Certificates in favor of French Oficers / Letter from Dr. Franklin to Genl Washington
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