Most Hon[oure]d Sir
Most Hon[oure]d Sir
I took the Liberty sometime ago to Sollicit your Suffrage, in case any of your Friends or Acquaintances might be disposed to Learn the English Language; or have any Papers, Letters, or Accompts to Translate; Since which you have been so Kind to Recommend me to Mr. Bromfield, who has also Recommended me to Mr. Andrews; Both those Gentlemen have given me Letters and Accts. to Translate into French, which Business I have executed to their Intire Satisfaction, As they have been pleased to Testify by Written Certificates.
I hereby take the Liberty to Return you my Sincere Thanks for the same, Assuring you of my best Endeavors to do Honor to your Recommendations; Humbly Solliciting the Continuance thereof. You may Depend on my Strick’t Adherence to Secrecy, Care, and dispatch; And Could I testify my Gratitude by being of the Least Service to you (if Occasion should offer;) I Should gladly Embrace such an opportunity; and think it an Honor Confered on Sir Your Most humble and most Obedient servant
J. Lepine