Hunter, John (1728-1793)

English surgeon and anatomist.

Began his anatomical studies in 1748 as an assistant in the dissecting room of his brother, Dr. William Hunter. Studied at Oxford before going to Portugal as a surgeon for the British army (1762).

Returned to London and began practice (1763). Continued work in dissection and gave classes on anatomy and surgical techniques. Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (1767) and a member of the American Philosophical Society (1787). Became surgeon extraordinary to George III (1776).

Known for his dislike of public speaking and book-learning, Hunter was never a popular lecturer. However, his enthusiasm for dissection and experimentation led him to become one of the foremost surgeons of his time.

Born at East Kilbride, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Married Anne Home in 1771; two children survived Hunter.