President of Dartmouth College (1779- 1815).
Tutor at Dartmouth (1771-74). Served in the Continental army (1775-79), attaining the rank of lieutenant-colonel. Succeeded his father as president of Dartmouth (1779); also taught history and law. Visited France and Holland to raise funds for Dartmouth (1783). Established salaried professorships, erected new college buildings, and revived Moor’s Charity School. Author of Sketches of the History of Dartmouth College … (1815), in which he attacked the college trustees for theological rigidity, prodigality, and failing to support Indian education.
Son of Eleazar and Mary (Brinsmead) Wheelock. Educated at Yale and Dartmouth (B.A. 1771). Married Maria Suhm (1786); one daughter.