Indian trader.
Captain of Pennsylvania troops in the expedition against the French in Canada (1746-47). Entered Indian trade in partnership with George Croghan (c. 1749-54); later joined the firm Simon, Trent, Levy, & Franks (c. 1760). Attended several Indian councils (1752-59). Supervised the construction of Fort Pitt/Fort Duquesne (1754); accompanied expedition to retake this fort from the French (1758). Lobbied for restitution for Indian traders’ financial losses in Seven Years’ War (c. 1765-69); later speculated in land in an effort to recoup these losses.
Son of William and Mary (Coddington) Trent of Philadelphia. Resided at Lancaster and Carlisle, Pennsylvania, then at Trenton, New Jersey (1768-84). Married Sarah Wilkins; six children.