A founding member of the Cercle des Philadelphes, a society of arts and sciences, Masonic in origin, established in Haiti in 1784. Invited Franklin to become an honorary foreign member of the Cercle (1786) and communicated Franklin’s favorable response to the society (1786).
Presented his dissertation at Nancy (1770). Practiced at Cap-Français in St.-Domingue (1770-91), where he was also the head of a military hospital. Received the title of médecin du roi for services rendered. Member of the Société Royale des Sciences de Paris and corresponded with the Academy of Surgery.
Published Discours prononcé à l’ouverture de la première séance publique du cercle des philadelphes tenue … (1785). Author of Dissertation sur le papier (1788) and Observations sur les lois concernant la médecine et la chirurgie dans la colonie de St.- Domingue (1791).