Printer, writer, editor.
Member of the Academies of Dijon, Lyon, Orléans, and Rouen. Named imprimeur du Grand Conseil (1769).
Invited by the Academy of Sciences to compose a work on the art of printing, L’Art de l’imprimerie (1774). Editor of the Catalogue hebdomadaire ou Liste alphabétique des livres (1774-89). Printer to the King (1779).
Created a new type of press (1783). Printed the French translations of the Constitutions of the United States (1783). Named premier imprimeur ordinaire du Roi (1785). Printer to the police, the administration of the postal service of France (1786), the Royal Society of Medicine, and various other organizations.
Published Description d’une nouvelle presse d’imprimerie (1786). Set up a press in Versailles (1788).
Printed counter-revolutionary material for the police during the French Revolution (1794).
Born in Paris.